Success Unfiltered Podcast

Sales Success: 5 Steps to Getting Comfortable with the Uncomfortable


It’s something so many of us strive for in our daily life and even in our sales life. We like routine, and believe that with routine we will thrive.

And, while that may be true in some instances (ie. your morning routine), getting uncomfortable, is the REAL way to grow and stretch yourself.

I know, no one initially feels good about being uncomfortable. It’s scary. It brings up serious anxiety. You worry others will judge the things you do or that you’ll look stupid, but I can assure you that one of the single biggest things you can do to make great strides in your sales success is by doing the things that bring up that uncomfortable feeling.

Heck, I’d even recommend you use the pit in your stomach as a guide for when you should do something. If you start feeling nervous, and your stomach feels like it’s full of butterflies… It’s time to take that leap!

Oh! And, in case you were wondering, yes, I struggle with getting uncomfortable, too!

Recently, I’ve really gotten into my aerial silk classes. I love them and use them as time dedicated just to myself. When I found this form of fitness, it really helped me in the areas of trust, flexibility and learning how to be in the unknown, which was probably my biggest reason for starting.

Being a business owner or an entrepreneur, you constantly worry about where the next client is coming from. Where is the next check coming from? You’re always caught in that unknown space, which is the complete opposite of having a job, and collecting a paycheck.

Not only that, but doing aerial silk classes have built up my strength. Not just physical strength, but also mental strength. It is SO important to have both!

I love playing a game called Lumosity, and every time I play the game after I do my silk class or something that makes me feel nervous, my mind is very sharp. I mean, I’m flipping upside down! I’m shaking and I’m not 100% confident. It’s is so interesting to me how that exercise has now correlated into my mental sharpness.

Ready to learn how you can start getting more comfortable in the uncomfortable?

Take It One Step at a Time

When your mind has blown something up in your head, it can feel like this huge unmanageable task. You’re looking at it head on and not taking the time to “unwrap” each of the layers. Your brain sees “call 30 prospects today” and panics! Maybe you think, “I have no time?”, “I hate making calls!”, “I’d rather be doing anything else,” but taking the time to make the calls is important!

Start by breaking it into bite-sized pieces.

You know you need to make prospective client calls later in the week, and you are feeling all kinds of uncomfortable so, what are the little things you know you need to do, that can better equip you for success.

Some ideas; you could think through and then write out a sales script, you could spend some time visualizing on how the calls will go, you could read some inspiring and motivating sales quotes, listen to music that pumps you up, and on and on.

When Cody Barbo, a guest on Success Unfiltered, was going to be meeting with investors for his company “Industry” he took two to three month to really prep and make himself ready for these investor meetings.

It might seem like a complete waste of time, but by taking the time to chunk things up, the work doesn’t seem so intimidating and you are better prepared.

You’ll take the steps one by one, you’ll hear some NO’s, but you’ll ultimately experience success, which makes getting uncomfortable all worth it!

Talk About It

In the sales industry, most of us have a mentor or coach that we go to for any of our struggles in business. This should be not any different!

If you’re feeling uncomfortable about something, and are resisting taking the next steps go chat with a trusted colleague. Let them talk through the struggles you’re feeling, and (of course) all of the possible success you could experience by taking the necessary steps.

Sales can feel lonely, but it doesn’t have to be. Connecting with your clients can actually build relationships and help you feel better about getting uncomfortable.

Get It Out of Your Head

Take the time to reflect on what’s making you feel uncomfortable.

There are a few great ways to do this, you could journal or meditate, but what it comes down to is really getting quiet with yourself and listening to what your head is screaming at you.

Taking this time will help bring on the calm and peace you’re looking for, plus it helps prepare you for the exciting journey ahead.

Jump in with Two Feet

There is no more real way to get uncomfortable then to just do it!

Whatever “it” is, taking the plunge will cause your nerves to soar and the butterflies in your stomach to flutter, but I promise you, taking action is one of THE best ways to earn your success.

On the podcast, Cody shared that one of the best, most scrappy ways he started getting his company’s name out there was by utilizing Twitter and Instagram.

They were using Instagram to feature the under-appreciated staff at restaurants and bars. When it came to Twitter, Cody would frequently start tweeting at people he wanted to work with, specifically Yinon Weiss.

Weiss had created a LinkedIn for the military, and since Cody was working to create a LinkedIn for the restaurant and bar scene, he wanted Weiss as his advisor. Cody began tweeting him, sharing stuff about him, and now Weiss is a formal advisor for the company.

Don’t all fear or being uncomfortable stop you from JUMPING towards huge success!

Celebrate Small Wins

If you don’t have milestones (or goals) to work towards how will you ever know if you’ve accomplished what your set out to do?

The journey to a YES can be long and winding, and it can wear on you if you aren’t taking the time to celebrate other milestones you’ve hit.

For instance, maybe you could set a goal that every Friday for 3 hours, you make prospect client calls. It doesn’t matter if every call leads to a NO, if you’ve sat and made these calls, CELEBRATE IT!

You don’t need to go out and buy a new car or anything, but just recognize your commitment, celebrate process and get excited about being uncomfortable!

When you get to the finish line and find MASSIVE success, then, maybe you can consider a new car. 😉

In Conclusion

I want you to take some time and identify at least one thing that makes you feel REALLY uncomfortable, and then work through the steps I have above. Taking action on something like this is what’s going to set you up for future success.

Do something uncomfortable as it relates to sales or pitching and start honing your craft, because when you work on it, you become an expert. That’s when things start to shift!

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