Success Unfiltered Podcast

How to Overcome Negative Self-Talk and Create the Business of Your Dreams with Sheryl Roush

Entrepreneurialism is scary. You’re putting yourself out there (a lot of the time you’re doing it alone), taking giant leaps (that could possibly fail) and hoping for success.

When you’re in this state of mind, when you’re not really sure how things will go it doesn’t matter if 100 people tell you that your idea is gold, or that you will succeed, if you have a small little voice in the back of your head telling you that you’re an imposter or that you’ll never amount to anything, you won’t.

You need to remove negative self-talk– It has NO place in your business!

You are daring and brave and amazing, simply for taking the scary leap into being an entrepreneur.

Shake It Off

Let’s say you’ve been working on a launch for your business for a few weeks, and the day has finally arrived for you to release your beautiful creation to the world.

This is a really scary spot to be in. You’ve dumped your heart and soul into the creation of this product (or service), and you have no idea how it is going to be received. You’re hoping that people love it and come flowing in to buy it (or work with you, in the case of a service), but even with your validation testing, you really don’t know.

Your head starts to spin with all of the negative things that people might say about it. You begin to stress out, because our minds have this uncanny ability to shut out ANY positive thoughts when we’re spinning through the negative.

Instead of continuing to stress about every single negative thing that could occur, remind yourself that you are not your business, you are not defined by your business’ success or failure, and then shake it off.

Like our Success Unfiltered guest Sheryl Roush suggests if something doesn’t work, you simply shake it off.  Literally, physically shake the negative thoughts, or the negative outcomes off of your body. Then, pick yourself up and keep going. Keep charging forward, because the world needs your uniqueness.

Don’t Rely On Others To Lift You Up

Sheryl was the youngest of 3 children, and the only girl. She was frequently told that she’d never amount to anything. When you hear a family member, who you think loves you and has your greatest welfare in their mind, say you’ll never amount to anything, it can be devastating. Sadly, this left Sheryl struggling with many depressive thoughts and between the ages of 13 to 15, she began to contemplate suicide.

I know it seems hard to believe, but this became a blessing in disguise for Sheryl. Around this time her mother took her to a big motivational seminar where she was able to hear Charlie “Tremendous” Jones speak. Sheryl credits him for getting her out of her funk, turning her negative thinking around, and shoving her head full of positivity.

She used all of the negative viewpoints of her father and brothers, as a way to motivate her forward. She decided to use it as the ultimate form of revenge, and started her first silk screening business at the age of 16. She knew she could rely and trust herself, so that is exactly what she did, and this is exactly how she found success in her life.

It’s incredibly important to remember that you need to really look at the path you’re traveling. What stones were put in place, or what stones did you choose to step on, to get to where you are now?

Because even horrific situations, messages or projections, from others can lead us down the RIGHT path to our desired success.

It’s important to remember that you should never take things personally. Remove yourself from the end result, and instead focus on what the lessons learned are. Rejection can be the rejection of the product or service, not you as a person. Continue to carry your positive attitude, and be mindful of letting others distract you or cause you to detour from the path that is meant to be. We absolutely MUST choose to believe in ourselves, our skills, our talents, our abilities and dust ourselves off and continue to get out there.

Get Your Head In The Game

Even with the best mindset and most positive attitude, when you plan on putting yourself (or a product / service) out there, you need to get your head in the game.

This can be taken on in different forms. For instance, Sheryl takes time to meditate on what’s going to occur, or what she is going to bring to her speech. She’ll repeat affirmations to help put her mind in the right space.

Others may like a specific song that gets them pumped up and and motivated to go out and do what they need to do. Another idea is to journal, or a favorite of mine is to go do something kind for someone else. Perform a random act of kindness. By doing this you feel good about the deed you did, and you’re telling the Universe that you are ready to receive all the goodness you deserve. Whatever helps get your head in the game, do it. Don’t judge it or worry that it isn’t the right thing, do what makes you feel good.

In Conclusion

Be mindful of what goes into your brain.

You’ve likely heard the phrase, garbage in, garbage out, but Sheryl likes to extend that to include that if garbage goes in, it will stick around until you clean house. Rather, listen to things that give you energy, give you ideas and pumps you up. Listen to your thoughts. Turn up the volume on what your thoughts are, and then decide whether or not they’re serving you.

That’s how you can turn around negative self-talk.

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