Success Unfiltered Podcast

Pain. It doesn’t seem like the most fun topic in the world, right? Who wants to dwell on everything that’s wrong?

But when you’re an entrepreneur, a salesperson, or a service provider of any kind, ultimately your sales pretty much depend on pain. The pain that your ideal clients are facing, that is!

The reality is simple. People are a LOT more likely to buy to get themselves out of pain than they are to fulfill a vision. Like it or not, it’s just a fact.

This is actually a good thing for you. Why?

When you thoroughly know your ideal client’s struggles and frustrations, you have an amazing opportunity. It’s the opportunity to take their problems, flip them on their heads, and provide the life-changing solutions they’ve been dreaming of.

You really CAN make a big difference in a lot of lives.

All you have to do is know the problem you’re solving, know it well, and provide the best solution that money can buy.

It all starts with getting to know your clients at a deeper level. Empathizing with their struggles in a genuine way. And giving them what they want with your talents, your passion, and your purpose.

Makes you see pain in a whole new way, right?

On this episode of Coffee Is For Closers, we talk about:

  • How to get your clients to open up about what their struggles really are
  • How to know your ideal client’s ultimate “why” better than they know it themselves
  • How to not only take away their pain but ALSO fulfill their vision

Check out this episode right HERE and put a whole new spin on pain points!

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If you want even more tips and tricks for making pain a thing of the past for your clients (and totally rock your bottom line while you’re at it), check out this week’s blog post right HERE!

And remember, we’re rocking Facebook Live with Coffee Is For Closers every Tuesday this month! Join me every week on Tuesdays at 2 PM PST all through the month. We’re loving all of your feedback on the show, so keep it coming! And feel free to share it with people you know would love it, too.

Here’s To Brewing YOUR Sales Success!

Michelle, the Pitch Queen

P.S. Speaking of rocking it, have you caught my podcast yet? Pop over to iTunes and join me and my guests for Success Unfiltered! Join me for stories from a host of successful entrepreneurs about breakdowns, breakthroughs, and business in the REAL world. If you want to learn what it really takes to make your dreams happen, you won’t want to miss this! Click HERE to check it out on iTunes!

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