Success Unfiltered Podcast

Scott Carson Shares Why You NEVER Go Back to an Old Job | Episode 059

Scott Carson (aka “the Note Guy”) has been an active real estate investor since 2002 and solely focused on the note industry since 2008 where he buys and sells non-performing mortgages directly from banks and hedge funds all across the country.

Scott is the CEO of and the creator of the Note Buying for Dummies workshop that focuses on the 3 F’s of Note Buying…The Find, Fund and Flip. He has purchased over half a billion dollars in distressed debt for his own portfolio and purchases assets in over 30 states across the United States.

He is a highly sought after speaker on distressed debt and was the 2014 Note Educator of the Year. He has also been featured in numerous newspapers including Investor’s Business Daily, The Wall Street Journal and He has also helped thousands of other real estate investors come to the dark side of investing by plunging into the world on NPN’s or non performing notes. An avid sports fan and reader, you can find him home in Austin, Texas when he isn’t buying assets for his own portfolio or sharing his love of the note game.

Do people ever give you “advice” because they think they’re an expert? They may have your best interests at heart, but before you follow their advice click here and READ THIS BLOG POST!                             

Here are a few key secrets we talked about in this episode:

  • Michelle introduces Scott Carson.
  • Scott takes us back about 10 years to when he was working for someone else in his J-O-B.
  • Scott shares the story of how his boss wanted to pay him to train someone else to do what Scott was so good at – buying non-performing mortgages, but didn’t want to give the job to Scott himself.
  • The boss turning Scott down was just the slap in the face that Scott needed to set off on his own venture.
  • For six months Scott spent time reading personal and professional development as well as putting his knowledge to the test.
  • Scott explains what his company does and how it works.
  • The biggest NO that Scott received was when he was trying to buy a portfolio with over 100 assets, and the investor he was working with walked away. (Scott shares the whole story in this episode).
  • Scott turns each of his NO’s into a game. He tells himself that each NO is a not right now, not a permanent NO.
  • When looking for investors, Scott advises that you go for mid-size fish, not the whales. (Scott explains this analogy in this episode).
  • When Scott was looking for the mid-sized fish, he had a method to how he chose who to reach out to.
  • “Seek counsel and not advice.” ~ Scott Carson
  • Scott knew that if he kept going and going and calling people he would eventually hear a YES.
  • Only 48% of salespeople will reach out to a prospect more than once. The sale is all in the follow-up!
  • Michelle and Scott talk about the movie Wall Street.
  • A good piece of advice: When speaking with your prospect ask them when is a good time to follow-up, and then do it!
  • Scott is a firm believer in the personal touch – sending thank you cards and other small gifts.
  • Scott shares his story of how during his second year in business he hit a dry spell and how he considered going back to his old job.
  • Scott tells Michelle what he would advise his younger self.

Connect with Scott Carson:

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P.S. Are you doing what you love or are you stuck in a job you hate? In THIS BLOG POST, learn how you can do what you love and find success!

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