are your prospects serious?
a quiz to help you know for sure
*You will also receive weekly emails with updates about my podcast episodes and blogs.
Have you ever had a prospect that gets your hopes up but never quite gives you a straight answer?
Those people who seem to vibe perfectly with you, whose lives you KNOW you could change with your offer.
But for whatever reason, your conversations never seem to end in “Let’s DO this.”
They say they’re really interested and schedule a sales call, but then ghost you
Was it something you said or did? Or was it actually not about you…but THEM?
Uncertain clients can not only make you crazy, but can also waste your time.
Uncertain clients or prospects can not only make you crazy, but can also waste your time.
But how do you know the difference between an ideal client who just needs a nudge and one who will never follow through?
If you want to find out if you’re wasting too much time on clients who won’t commit, take my free quiz to learn if it’s time to wait it out or cut your losses with your prospects.
Enter your info below to get your quiz, “Are Your Prospects Serious (Or Seriously Wasting Your Time)?”!
*You will also receive weekly emails with updates about my podcast episodes and blogs.