Imagine a world where you no longer have persuade your prospects, be pushy, or feel sleazy when it comes to sales. In this world, your prospects can literally sell themselves! Sounds too good to be true, right? Guess what!? It’s not! This can be your reality by simply...
Let’s address the elephant in the room…the feeling of manipulation and persuasion in sales. Not all sales are manipulative. In fact, if you come from a place of authenticity, your ability to have powerful sales conversations can actually serve your prospects. With...
There are a lot of people out there who say they hate sales, that it’s their least favorite part of their business. But resident expert Shameca Tankerson and I believe it’s because sales have been given a bum rap! Every time I open Facebook or scroll Instagram, I’m...
I am the Queen of building relationships! I love meeting and getting to know people, so it’s no surprise that the major thing that works in my favor is building KNOW, LIKE and TRUST factor with people. That know, like and trust actually worked in my favor, in a BIG...
Nobody likes networking. There, I said it (again). I talk a lot about building a rock-solid network, but that’s for a reason–it really is that big of a deal. The stronger your business relationships are, the more impact your business will create. It’s that...