Nobody likes being told NO. But the truth is that no matter who you are, from Elon Musk to the startup entrepreneur lurking at your local Starbucks, a NO is part of the deal in business. Of course, hearing “thanks but no thanks” isn’t exactly a day-maker for anyone....
This month, Coffee Is For Closers has been ALL about rejection. That stinging moment when you get the big N-O is not the most pleasant aspect of being an entrepreneur…but does it have to be so scary? And for that matter, if a door slams in your face, is it a...
Nobody likes rejection. And when your product, service, or pitch gets turned down by a prospect, it sometimes makes you feel that sting of rejection twice. It can feel like not only did they say NO to your product, service, or pitch, but that they also gave a big...
Have you ever been rejected in business? You know, that moment where you’re sure that the sale is in the bag, but then your prospect comes back at you with a shocking “No, thanks”? Rejection. That gut-punch moment when not only do you feel the stress of losing a sale...
Do you want to know exactly how to close the deal and make more sales? I want you to do something right now. Stop what you’re doing, take a deep breath, and ask yourself this question: “Why do I sell what I sell?” Got an answer? Does it light you up with passion and...