Success Unfiltered Podcast
10 Things No Entrepreneur Will Tell You PDF Cover

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Podcast Guest Blog Posts

How to Close a Sale and Ensure You’ve Sealed the Deal

How to Close a Sale and Ensure You’ve Sealed the Deal

Do you know how to close a sale? Before you complete a new sale or new enrollment, you need to learn about your client, and if your presentation has met their needs and answered their questions!  Pausing to ask questions like, “on a scale of one to ten, with ten being...

How to Live Your Passion to Fuel Your Business to Millions

How to Live Your Passion to Fuel Your Business to Millions

Do you have a team in your business? Those people who support you and help you live your passion? They’re the ones who help you through the tough times! I’ve had great teams that have helped me during many tough times in my business. Working in the food industry with...

Blog Posts

Getting Over The NO: What To Do With the Fear of Rejection

Getting Over The NO: What To Do With the Fear of Rejection

Fear of rejection in sales can sabotage you if you're not careful. It’s that moment on a sales call when the pesky mind banter kicks in big-time. What is the prospect going to think? What will they say when I make an offer? Am I going to get the sale? What happens if...

5 Common Objections (And What To Do About Them!)

5 Common Objections (And What To Do About Them!)

Objections are inevitable in sales. At one point or another, we’ve all been rejected in sales. But what if the prospect is merely hesitating? What if they’re playing a little bit of “hot or cold” with you, not quite saying “No, thanks” but not giving you the “Hell,...

The Power of NO: Making The Most Out Of Losing A Sale

The Power of NO: Making The Most Out Of Losing A Sale

Nobody likes being told NO. But the truth is that no matter who you are, from Elon Musk to the startup entrepreneur lurking at your local Starbucks, a NO is part of the deal in business. Of course, hearing “thanks but no thanks” isn’t exactly a day-maker for anyone....

Learn how to sell WITHOUT sleaze!

Get my 5-Step System to boost your confidence, grow sales relationships with ease, and take the stress out of selling for GOOD!

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