Success Unfiltered Podcast

3 Secrets to Creating a Business You’re Passionate About

How much do you love your business? Do you sleep, eat and drink it?

Owning a business is hard work, and if you don’t have a true passion for it, using money as a motivator won’t get you far.

Of course money IS important. BUT, you want to have passion for your business, the products or services you offer and the customers or clients you hope to serve, that goes WAY beyond money.

A business owner that is passionate about their work, is a force to be reckoned with, not only that entrepreneurs who are deeply passionate about their work tend to be more successful than others who don’t truly love what they do. Remember, money isn’t everything!

Without further ado — Let’s build a business you’re passionate about!

Ignore Doubt

How often have you been asked whether you’re doing the right thing by starting a business?

How many people have doubted that you’re capable of making a big sale or getting a huge client when all signs were pointing towards failure?

I’m going to guess quite a few people have second guessed you throughout your entrepreneurial journey, possibly even yourself. It’s time to stop, though!

The best way to stop, is by creating a business that you are passionate about right from the start!

I love the business that I’ve created. Even with my last company, FITzee Foods, I ate the food and loved the bars. I miss it SO much! I really do hate cooking ;/

Now, with The Pitch Queen and what I’m creating with Success Unfiltered (and our Saturday BONUS episodes), it’s ALL to help you with crushing your sales goals.

In order to truly succeed, you have to drink your own Kool-Aid, and I want to be able to help all of you, by teaching you what I’ve done myself. The good, the bad and the ugly! I share everything to help you.

You may hear that it takes passion and grit to get out there and sell, but it goes beyond sales.

If it’s only about making money, or how am I going to get this deal, and it’s not about your clients and customers, you’re going to have an uphill battle. It will be extremely difficult!

So, for today, take one step back and think… Am I drinking my own Kool-Aid?

There’s a saying that goes something like this…

“If you do what you love, you will never work a day in your life”

So, push past that self-doubt by asking yourself these questions:

  1. What are some of my major strengths (natural born leader, great communicator, etc)?
  2. What are some things that friends, family or colleagues seek your input on?
  3. What is something that you would do, even if you weren’t getting paid for it?

Once you’ve answered those, you can start researching what type of business would fit well with your passions.

When you’ve narrowed it down and made a decision you’re confident in, it’s time to start the work of building the business.

Creating a Business You’re Passionate About Along with Your Product or Service

Now that you have a pretty solid idea of what it is you want to do, it’s time to start creating the products or the services you’re going to offer (for the sake of this post we’re going to talk about creating a product).

My guest on Success Unfiltered, Angela Mader, struggled with her body image and had been uncomfortable with her own body for some time. She was passionate about changing her life, and finding peace with her body, which led to the creation of her incredible FitBook. It was literally the epitome of why she started Fitlosophy. She wanted to help other people start to fully love themselves and their bodies.

Those statements scream passion!

She never struggled to stay focused or motivated to find buyers because she knew what she had worked. Angela knew that if her product got into the hands of the right people, it would change their lives.

[Fun Fact: Angela got FitBook into Target, but it took A LOT of persistence. She shares the whole store in this podcast.]

  • Knowing Angela’s story, how can you apply this to your business?
  • What product or service can you create or offer that you KNOW will change people’s lives?
  • What is something that you won’t stop looking for a buyer / customer / client, until you’ve found the right one?

When you can answer these questions with conviction, it’s time to put them out into the world!

Create BIG Goals

You’ve created your product or service, you know who you want to offer it to and your passion for this project is on FIRE!

Now it’s time to think about the BIG goals you want to work towards.

From the start, Angela had three big goals that she wanted to accomplish, the big goal was to get into Target stores. Angela didn’t hesitate, she went right to work trying to locate the buyer’s information and when she did, she immediately reached out.

She was told NO, but that didn’t her. This was her #1 goal, so she kept at it!

She sent the buyer a few different packages with her product in them and when he finally opened one of the packages, he agreed to a ten minute call with Angela. She prepped and had all sorts of information written down, to combat any of his hesitations. When Angela got on the phone with the buyer he told her he wanted to give her and her company a shot! She got that YES which was her dream

Fitbook was a HUGE success in Target! It started in 100 stores, but quickly grew to 300 and it is now in ALL stores (approx 1800)!

If Angela hadn’t set this as one of her big goals, and hadn’t been persistent, who knows where her product would be located now.

It’s time for YOU to sit down and come up with your BIG goals for your product or service!

  • What are you going to write down as your biggest goals?
  • Where can you commit to being persistent no matter what life and business throw at you?


In Conclusion

For today, take one step back and think, am I drinking my own Kool-Aid? Am I fully passionate about my business?

If you’re creating products and services that you believe in, and that work for you and that you’re passionate about, others can feel it. People will be drawn to you and want to work with you without hesitation!

If that happened for Angela in 10 minutes with the buyer at Target, it can happen for you too. Just start by putting ONE thing into action today!

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