Success Unfiltered Podcast

It’s that moment where you’ve built the relationship. You’re totally confident that the other person is ready to take things to the next level. And you think you’re ready to pop the big question. By now, asking should be a no-brainer, right?

Well maybe…but then again, are you SURE? Is it really time to (gulp!) ask for the sale?

In theory, it should be easy. If you’re sure of your worth, you’re confident about the relationship you’ve been cultivating, and you’re reasonably sure that your prospect is a winner, what’s stopping you from pulling the trigger?

It might be fear. That naysaying voice might be making you second-guess yourself. Maybe you’re worried that you’re being overconfident and you’re actually going to get shot down. Maybe you start to fear that you’ve read the signs wrong and it’s all going to crash and burn.

Once all of those thoughts start running around in your head, you can get yourself into such a dither that you don’t ask for the sale.

And when you DON’T ask, of course, the answer is automatically NO.

But I don’t want that for you. And I know you don’t want that, either. On this episode of Coffee Is For Closers, I share everything you need to know about asking for the sale. We’re talking about when to do it, how to do it, and what you can do to keep fear from stopping you from asking for the sale.

Check out this episode and learn….

  • The biggest cues, both verbal and nonverbal, that let you know when the client is ready
  • How to handle the dreaded “how much is this gonna cost me” question with confidence
  • What you can do to become confident enough to ask for anything, anytime without fear

It’s all waiting for you right HERE!

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To learn even MORE about the art of asking for the sale, stop by the blog for my latest post HERE!

Here’s To Brewing YOUR Sales Success!

Michelle, the Pitch Queen

P.S. The podcast is on FIRE! Pop over to iTunes and join me and my guests for Success Unfiltered! Listen to stories from a host of successful entrepreneurs about breakdowns, breakthroughs, and business in the REAL world. If you want to learn what it really takes to make your dreams happen, you won’t want to miss this!  Click HERE to check it out on iTunes!

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