Success Unfiltered Podcast

Rejections. Objections. The NO. We’ve talked a LOT this month about the not-so-fun parts of being an entrepreneur, and with good reason.

Being passed over for the sale is just part of life in business. It happens to the best of us, and the more you practice dealing with rejection, the less you’re going to let it get you down.

But what do you do when being turned down hits you just a little bit too hard? How to you bounce back after a particularly biting rejection takes the wind out of your sales more than you thought it would?

Believe it or not, that happens to the best of us, too! The good news is that even the worst of rejections doesn’t have to slow you down for long. After all, rejections don’t show up to make you miserable. They’re actually an opportunity for redirection, expansion, and growth.

They can also help you determine the root causes of your fears, both in business and in life. And once you understand your deepest fears, you can take them on, work through them, and let them go.

Turns out that entrepreneurship is one of the best self-development tools there is. And rejection is one of entrepreneurship’s greatest teachers, if you allow it to be!

On this episode of Coffee Is For Closers, I show you all the ways that you can put yourself back together after the NO and come back stronger than ever. Join me for this episode and you will learn…

  • Why dwelling on the fear of rejections creates a self-fulfilling prophecy
  • Why your attitude about the sales process is crucial
  • Why your fear of rejection in sales might be fear of something else entirely
  • What you can do to change how you perceive rejection (and move past it a lot faster)

Join me for this episode Coffee Is For Closers and make that fear of rejection finally work FOR you! Check it out at the links below!

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If you’re ready to go even deeper into that fear of rejection and ensure that it never steals your mojo again, check out this week’s blog post right HERE!

And November is coming, and Coffee Is For Closers will be taking on new topics in November and December. That’s why I’m asking for your feedback today!

If you’re struggling with anything sales related, from confidence to closing, let me know and we’ll talk about it on the show! Hit “reply” and tell me how I can help make Coffee Is For Closers your go-to show for ALL things sales!

Here’s to brewing YOUR sales success!

Michelle, The Pitch Queen

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