Success Unfiltered Podcast

The Coffee Is For Closers show has been in full swing this July, and this week we got REALLY serious about long-term relationships. Business ones, that is!

You see, building a business takes time. Making true connections takes time. And in this fast-paced, instant-messenger, want-it-NOW culture, nobody seems to want to wait for anything.

Taking the time to get to know your prospects is becoming a lost art.

Things like listening more than you talk, reaching out simply to say hello, or listening to your clients talk about their lives seems too old-fashioned. Way too slow. And not worth the effort.

But if you take the time, do the work, and get to know your people, something magical is going to happen. You are going to stand out. You’ll be remembered. And you’ll be more appreciated by prospects, clients, and influencers alike.

Most of all, when it comes time to close the deal, the client is going to remember the one who took the time to get to know THEM.

This week on the show we’re talking about the practical and actionable steps you can take to start building those long-term relationships today so that your business will have a beautiful tomorrow.

You’ll learn how to keep track of the details your prospects share (these are gold!), how to make follow-up a regular part of your week (without taking up all your time), and how to set yourself apart as THE go-to person for your client’s needs (and yes, actual PHONE calls are involved!).

You won’t want to miss this one! Check out the replay right HERE:

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If you’re ready to learn even MORE about how you can take your business relationships from the “first date” to a “happily ever after”, check out the latest blog post right HERE.

And finally, remember that Coffee Is For Closers is on every Tuesday at 2pm Pacific Time! We will be covering all things sales, from building relationships to handling rejections. It’s all there for you every Monday afternoon on the Pitch Queen page on Facebook Live, 2pm ISH Pacific Time. You won’t wanna miss it!

Here’s to brewing YOUR Sales Success!

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