Success Unfiltered Podcast

My friend and colleague Donald C. Kelly had a moment a while back where he was SURE that a deal was in the bag.

The prospect had a need. Donald’s company had the solution. He knew that the client had the money, and that they were more than ready to sign on the dotted line with someone.

But when his proposal went out, the “radio silence” kicked in.

What happened next? The prospect went with a bigger and more expensive service, leaving Donald in the dust.

It was a tough lesson, but a clear one.

When you’re qualifying prospects, there’s more to it than measuring them by a painstakingly detailed “Ideal Client” avatar. It even goes beyond readiness to buy and ability to invest.

It’s ALSO about going through ALL of the steps of the sales process. And not jumping the gun just because you THINK it’s a done deal.

It’s about qualifying your leads not only by determining if they are the right fit for you, but also by ensuring that THEY fully understand your value. Believe it or not, this simple step is one of the quickest ways to determine if a lead is a GO or a NO.

And oddly enough, this is a qualifying step that many of us completely overlook!

On this episode of Coffee Is For Closers, Donald C. Kelly, host of The Sales Evangelist podcast and founder of the TSE Hustler’s League, adds this unique and crucial piece to the client-qualifying process.

Join us as we show you how to cover your bases, show your true value, and determine as quickly as possible if it’s time to move forward…or save the full-court press for another day.

Don’t miss this extra nugget that could turn around YOUR next sales convo! Check out the episode right here:



On this week’s blog, Donald and I share what happens when you miss this crucial qualifying step–and how using it can help you identify more ready-to-buy clients! Check that out HERE!

March is wrapping up over at Coffee Is For Closers, but that doesn’t mean that we’re slowing down! So I want to hear from YOU. What is your biggest challenge in qualifying clients? Or in ANY part of the sales process, for that matter? Email me at to tell me what’s on your mind, and I might just answer your question LIVE on the next episode! (Tuesdays at 2 PM PT/5 PM ET!)

Need a reminder? Sign up right HERE and never miss a LIVE show!

Here’s to brewing YOUR sales success,

Michelle, The Pitch Queen

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