Success Unfiltered Podcast

You’ve always heard that it’s not what you know but WHO you know. Of course, the best relationships are two-way streets.

That is the goal of in-person business networking. You establish real-life connections and create win-win situations. And I had a big-time win-win happen for me at an event a few weeks ago…

It was an event called Secret Knock. When I got there, I ran into a young man named Eric. I started a conversation, thinking that I’d make a new connection and share my expertise. We started chatting away and hit it off.

I had mentioned I’m looking for unique guests for my podcast, Success Unfiltered! He knew Kevin Harrington, a Shark Tank original. I figured I’d try my luck at connection, as I knew he’d be a perfect fit for a guest spot on my podcast.

But I had no idea what was about to happen.

I mentioned that I pitched on Shark Tank. He asked me if I knew Kevin Harrington. Turns out my new friend Eric was a friend of the famous former Shark. So I asked if he’d introduce me…

Not only did Eric say YES…he also said, “Let’s do it right NOW!”

So Eric shot a quick selfie video so I could say my “hello.” Then he texted the video to Kevin Harrington himself, and copied me on the text.

Not only did I meet my person of interest, I got his cell phone number. All because I took the time to chat with someone new in the spirit of service and connection.

And guess what? This past week I got my interview with Mr. Harrington himself for my podcast, Success Unfiltered!!

Networking is priceless. You never know who you might meet. And that one person that you casually strike up a chat with just might change your business!

But what if you hate the idea of trying to make a connection in a room full of strangers? What if you’re so freaked out about real-time convos that you always stay home?

Don’t let fear cheat you out of making a potentially life-changing connection! On this episode of Coffee is for Closers, I show you how to make a plan, perk up your courage, and get out there with confidence. Let me show you how! Check it out HERE:

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Want the quick guide to blasting past your fear and owning your next live event? That’s on this week’s BLOG!

On the next episode of Coffee Is For Closers, Shameca Tankerson is back to help you tackle a big hangup for new networkers: what to SAY! How do you start a real conversation? How do you connect with that big-name influencer without fangirling? Shameca and I will explain it all!

Join us every Tuesday at 2PM PT/ 5PM ET on The Pitch Queen Facebook page!

Need a weekly reminder so you never miss a show? Sign up right HERE and get notified when we go LIVE!

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