Success Unfiltered Podcast

I am the Queen of building relationships!

I love meeting and getting to know people, so it’s no surprise that the major thing that works in my favor is building KNOW, LIKE and TRUST factor with people.

That know, like and trust actually worked in my favor, in a BIG way!

When FITzee Foods was still open, I spent a good deal of time courting investors and bigger businesses, trying to either get us on the shelves or get investments to keep our doors open.

One of my proudest moments was when The Vitamin Shoppe decided to bring FITzee Foods into their stores. Fresh food in a supplement retailer is no easy task to take on! This was a massive project and a massive win!

They didn’t choose FITzee Foods because of our HUGE revenue. At the time, we were only a 1 million dollar business, but I had worked hard to get to know the right people at The Vitamin Shoppe.

I built that Know, Like and Trust factor.

In fact, I beat out a multi-million dollar company for the space on their shelves, all because of the relationships I’d built.

People buy from people, not the revenue.

You’re probably wondering what the heck this has to do with this past week’s Coffee Is For Closers, right?

Well, then let me tell you!

I am sharing the 6 principles of persuasion and how to use them in your business in order to skyrocket your sales and revenue.

Does the thought of having to persuade one more person to work with you have you crying in your soup? This episode of Coffee Is For Closers will show you the secrets behind persuasion!

Don’t let a prospect pass you by because you weren’t sure how to persuade them to work with you! Let me teach you the authentic art of persuasion:

[Facebook Live]:

On tomorrow’s Coffee Is For Closers, I’m going to be sitting down with our resident sales expert Shameca Tankerson to teach you the difference between manipulation and persuasion.

It’s all happening this Tuesday @ 2PM ET/5 PM ET @ThePitchQueen Facebook page.

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