Success Unfiltered Podcast

There are a lot of people out there who say they hate sales, that it’s their least favorite part of their business. But resident expert Shameca Tankerson and I believe it’s because sales have been given a bum rap!

Every time I open Facebook or scroll Instagram, I’m bombarded with ads to “buy this” or “download” that. On each of these ads are things like “only 10 spots remaining” or “act now, the price goes up in 1 hour.”

Sure, these scarcity tactics get people to buy, but they’re manipulative and inauthentic. And around here we believe that authenticity is key!

When it comes to sales you want to persuade people to make a decision that’s best for them, not manipulate them.

Shameca loves to share with her new prospects what can happen by working with her. She’ll share case studies from previous clients and allow the potential new client to make their own decisions.

You want the client to believe that what you can do is possible, because if they don’t believe it, they won’t put the effort in and their success won’t come.

Trust us! Authentic persuasion is the way to the heart of your dream client!

On this episode of Coffee is For Closers, Shameca and I discussed persuasion vs. manipulation, and how to use it effectively in your business.

If you’re over trying to strong arm your clients into a sale and want to start selling with ease, this episode is for you! Shameca shares some of her biggest sales tips to use persuasion in the right way.

If you’re ready to learn how to avoid manipulation in your sales, watch now:

[Facebook Live]:

Do you ever think that the sales process is manipulative? If so, head over to the blog where I share how to know the difference between persuasion and manipulation.

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