Success Unfiltered Podcast

It’s NOT About You: The Biggest Entrepreneurial Sales Mindset Shift In The Book

If you don’t make this one mindset shift, it may feel impossible to reach success.

If you’ve been following me here at The Pitch Queen for a while, you’ve heard a few stories of rejection, setback, and entrepreneurial heartache.

Everyone gets the shaft in sales sometimes. What matters is living to tell the tale. And keeping your mind on your side is what separates the ones who succeed and the ones who stop short of the payoff.

Rejection is no stranger to me. I’ve had investors cut off my funding. Major retailers have canceled my contracts. I got a big fat “fugetaboutit” from the Sharks on Shark Tank. And my dream business went down in flames just short of a year ago.

Sure, I had my post-rejections meltdowns like the best of them. But I didn’t wallow in them for long. It was back to the drawing board and on to the next project ASAP. Quitting was never a real option.

What made those 180° turns doable? My unfailing entrepreneurial sales mindset.

Mindset is pretty straight-forward. It is no more than the sum of your knowledge, beliefs, thoughts, and attitudes about the world. It determines how you receive information, how you respond to it, and what you make it mean.

Mindset affects your life in numerous ways. It determines how you show up everywhere in life, whether you’re asking for help, proposing a collaboration, or closing a deal.

When you make a request of any kind, the other person might say YES or NO. Your mindset determines how you’ll take the answer. And what you will make it mean.

In short, mindset IS central to your success.

But the good news is this: mindset starts with YOU. You have a say in your interpretations, responses, and actions. Everything about your mindset is within your control.

So what is the fastest way to make and entrepreneurial mindset shift when things aren’t going as planned? Is there a trick to keep in your back pocket that’ll talk you down from the ledge when you’ve been told NO one too many times?

I have one go-to mindset shift that I’ve been using for years. And it’s just as effective as it is simple.


The most important mindset shift you can make in sales is to get over yourself. And remember that the sale is NOT about you.

Now, I’m not calling you out. Believe me, I’ve made the sale about me more times than I care to admit. And I also know what happens when you lose sight of this powerful fact.

I’m not saying that you don’t matter in the process at all. Far from it. But when you take the pressure off of yourself to get a YES, you liberate yourself from disappointment. You’re free to focus on sharing your passion, your WHY, and your mission rather than panicking about what the customer might say.

Sounds like a lot more fun, doesn’t it?

Showing up, offering your life-changing service, and owning your truth is your part. The answer is THEIR part. Let go of the stress of controlling the outcome, and you’ll always be in a place of power.

When you think of it that way, it’s exciting, isn’t it? You take all that pressure, stress, and anxiety off the table in one fell swoop by this simple tweak.

But the benefits don’t stop there!

You also show up with more confidence. You own your worth, stay out of the comparison trap, and live in that high-vibe space that attracts more of the good stuff. (Like the right clients, for example!)

But how do you take action to make this lofty mindset shift possible? By looking at the sales process, and distinguishing the parts that concern you from the ones that don’t. Acting on the parts you have a say in, and letting go of the rest.

And one of the most significant areas you can change is the way that you treat yourself.

Recently, I went to a conference called Traffic and Conversion, which featured several superstar entrepreneurs as keynote speakers.

One of them was the one and only Daymond John. And his talk revolved around a topic that you might not expect to hear from a Shark: health and wellness.

He shared a story about his bout with thyroid cancer. He talked about how it’s all too common for entrepreneurs to go full steam ahead, all day, every day…and put their health on the back burner until it’s too late.

I couldn’t help but relate. I remember when I became a full-time entrepreneur. I got so caught up in the daily grind that my health took a backseat. I stopped going to the gym regularly. My diet went south. And the results weren’t pretty.

Even though I was doing all the things I “should” have been doing to make my business work, I forgot the biggest determining factor in my success. Me.

Honestly, that’s what inspired me to create FITzee Foods. I realized from experience that busy people need to take care of themselves if they want to stay in the game without falling apart. My mission became helping people like me have access to healthy meals instead of opting for the drive-thru at McDonald’s.

That was when I remembered how crucial good health and self-care are to everything, including your ability to serve others. (Not to mention your bottom-line sales.)

After all, if your tank isn’t full, trying to fill someone else’s is downright impossible. And what happens if you try to help someone else when you’re running on fumes?

You become exhausted. Desperate. Resentful of the sacrifices you’re making to help your clients, make the sales, and stay alive. Then before you know it, the sale becomes about YOU rather than the person you’re here to serve.

Here’s where it gets even worse. When things hits the skids and you need a mindset shift the most, the snowball effect kicks in big-time.

Your attitude starts rearing its head on sales calls. And your prospect begins to notice. Pretty soon, your mindset becomes their mindset.

Doesn’t exactly inspire anyone to want to work with you, does it?

Now, I’m not saying you have to be high-vibe, 24/7. But what I will say is this: taking care of yourself makes that happy place a lot more accessible.

You feel healthier, more empowered, and less stressed. It helps you clear out negative energy and get out of a funk. It gets you back to the person who has a purpose, a heartfelt WHY, and a mission.

Bottom line: when you meet your own needs first, you’re free to empower others.

So in a strange way, “getting over yourself” translates into taking care of yourself! It’s putting yourself first so that you put the client first. You’re free from getting stuck in your own ego. And you get back to the FUN of your passion, purpose, and mission a lot faster.

And funny thing…the more that you keep this mindset in play, the more likely your prospects are going to see you as someone who genuinely cares about them. That makes it more likely that they’ll say YES eventually, too!

That, my friends, is liberation.

When you can keep your mind in the right place, anything is possible. Everything begins inside your mind. With the right mindset, you will only succeed, no matter what the moment-to-moment outcome might be.

Of course, sometimes crucial mindset shifts are easier said than done! How do you take the action, make it stick, and put your head to work FOR you?

I’ve made a checklist that’ll put you back in the driver’s seat and make the ultimate entrepreneurial sales mindset shift with ease, starting TODAY.

Grab your FREE checklist for a major mindset shift, “How To Get Over Yourself (And Make The Sale!): 3 Empowering Entrepreneurial Sales Mindset Hacks” right HERE! Give these tips a try, and share with me in the comments below what insights and a-has (and even new sales) showed up for YOU!

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