Coffee Is For Closers* [#coffeeisforclosers] is to help you, the entrepreneur solve your sales problems and learn my strategies to ultimately help you help more people and grow your revenues.
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This is your weekly virtual coffee shop, your inner circle where you can bring all your questions however niche, embarrassing, or “keeping it real”! It’s been proven people get more sh^t done when they partner up & are held accountable. I’ll show up weekly with killer sales content if you show up with your questions & intentions to act.
*Always Be Closing – Glengarry Glen Ross, 1992

Episode 52 Live Show: Michelle’s Best Tips of the Year
Did you know that FITzee Foods was previously sold in The Vitamin Shoppe? It’s true! This didn’t just happen, though. I didn’t just call The Vitamin Shoppe one day and ask if they’d sell my fresh prepared foods in their store. NO way!! They likely would have laughed...

Episode 51 Live Show: Persuasive Techniques for Entrepreneurs and Small Business Owners
When it comes to sales you need an equal mix of hard work, authentic relationship building, solving your prospects problems, and then asking for the sale. I’m sorry to disappoint you, but I’m a realist and I want you to know that the sales of your dreams are possible,...

Episode 50 Live Show: How to Have Your Prospects Persuade Themselves to Work With You
Imagine a world where you no longer have persuade your prospects, be pushy, or feel sleazy when it comes to sales. In this world, your prospects can literally sell themselves! Sounds too good to be true, right? Guess what!? It’s not! This can be your reality by simply...

Episode 49 Live Show: Distinguishing Between Persuasion and Manipulation
There are a lot of people out there who say they hate sales, that it’s their least favorite part of their business. But resident expert Shameca Tankerson and I believe it’s because sales have been given a bum rap! Every time I open Facebook or scroll Instagram, I’m...

Episode 48 Live Show: 6 Principles of Persuasion
I am the Queen of building relationships! I love meeting and getting to know people, so it’s no surprise that the major thing that works in my favor is building KNOW, LIKE and TRUST factor with people. That know, like and trust actually worked in my favor, in a BIG...

Episode 47 Live Show: 7 Commandments of a Powerful Brandshake
Over the years, networking has gotten a bad name. And you know what? I’m over that. Nobody likes going to huge events, getting lost in a sea of strangers, and feeling like you have to gladhand everyone in the room. But what people don’t really get is how powerful...

Episode 46 Live Show: Networking with Influencers
Ross Jeffries was flying first class from LA to London. And wouldn’t you know it? Right next to him was none other than one of his all-time favorite actors, the inimitable Nicolas Cage… Now, it’s true--Ross could’ve had a fanboy moment. But instead of scrambling and...

Episode 45 Live Show: How to Nail Your Elevator Pitch
If you’re like many of us, the term “elevator pitch” makes you cringe almost as much as the word “sales.” It feels uncomfortable. Like you’re both oversimplifying and undervaluing what you do. Sometimes it even feels sleazy. But if your elevator pitch is honest,...

Episode 44 Live Show: How to Rock Your Next Networking Event
What are some of the biggest complaints I hear from sales people and entrepreneurs about getting out there and going to a networking event? They often come down to the words... What am I going to say? How do I start a conversation? What if I get stuck in a...

Episode 43 Live Show: Networking 101
You’ve always heard that it’s not what you know but WHO you know. Of course, the best relationships are two-way streets. That is the goal of in-person business networking. You establish real-life connections and create win-win situations. And I had a big-time win-win...
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