Success Unfiltered Podcast


Coffee Is For Closers* [#coffeeisforclosers] is to help you, the entrepreneur solve your sales problems and learn my strategies to ultimately help you help more people and grow your revenues.

Join me live for practical tools that you can use NOW!

This is your weekly virtual coffee shop, your inner circle where you can bring all your questions however niche, embarrassing, or “keeping it real”! It’s been proven people get more sh^t done when they partner up & are held accountable. I’ll show up weekly with killer sales content if you show up with your questions & intentions to act.

*Always Be Closing – Glengarry Glen Ross, 1992

Episode 12 Live Show: How To Close The Deal

Episode 12 Live Show: How To Close The Deal

Can you believe October is here? For that matter, can you believe that Coffee Is For Closers has been running for three months? I just want to take a moment to thank ALL of you for being a part of this show, asking great questions, and sending great feedback. It’s...

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Episode 11 Live Show: Buying Cues and Asking for the Sale

Episode 11 Live Show: Buying Cues and Asking for the Sale

It’s that moment where you’ve built the relationship. You’re totally confident that the other person is ready to take things to the next level. And you think you’re ready to pop the big question. By now, asking should be a no-brainer, right? Well maybe…but then again,...

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Episode 9 Live Show: Why They Said No (& How to Get a Yes!)

Episode 9 Live Show: Why They Said No (& How to Get a Yes!)

It’s a story you probably know too well. You make your pitch. You think you’ve got the sale in the bag. But then the client drops the bomb with a surprising, “No, thanks.” Maybe they tell you, “it’s not the right time.” Or even worse, “It’s too expensive.” Ouch. Was...

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Episode 8 Live Show: Own Your Worth & Ask For It

Episode 8 Live Show: Own Your Worth & Ask For It

Over the past few weeks on Coffee is For Closers, we’ve been focusing on YOU. It’s been all about owning your worth, standing in your power, and doing your thing regardless of what anyone else thinks. Last Monday I closed out the month of August with what just might...

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Episode 7 Live Show: Find Your Champion

Episode 7 Live Show: Find Your Champion

Live shows always have surprises, and there’s nothing like an impromptu guest to keep Coffee Is For Closers fresh and exciting! That’s just what I was treated to this week as one of my personal champions came to San Diego and joined me this past Monday. One of the...

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Episode 6 Live Show : Building Your Resilience Muscle

Episode 6 Live Show : Building Your Resilience Muscle

August is in full swing, and this month Coffee Is For Closers is all about YOU and building your resilience muscle! We’re talking about believing in yourself, owning your worth, and sticking to your dreams and goals no matter what crosses your path. That’s the thing...

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Episode 5 Live Show : Believe In Yourself

Episode 5 Live Show : Believe In Yourself

It’s a new month over at Coffee Is For Closers! In July we talked all about rapport and relationships. While both of these things are crucial to the foundation of your business, there’s something else that’s just as fundamental. It's time to believe in yourself. That...

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Episode 3 Live Show: How To Keep Up Sales Relationships

Episode 3 Live Show: How To Keep Up Sales Relationships

The Coffee Is For Closers show has been in full swing this July, and this week we got REALLY serious about long-term relationships. Business ones, that is! You see, building a business takes time. Making true connections takes time. And in this fast-paced,...

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