Sam Nebel, AKA The King of All Wipes, is the bodacious co-founder of Goodwipes: a fun, modern and eco-friendly wet wipes brand that empowers people to do more, feel good and live clean.
After converting all of their fraternity brothers to wiping their butts with baby wipes, Sam and Charlie Siciak, his co-founder, invested their life savings in pursuit of the dream to bring that same euphoric joy to the world. As the saying goes, “There’s nothing like a good wipe!”
Since then, Sam and company have led their brand to triple digit YoY growth and onto the shelves of Walmart, Container Store, Airport Shops, Academy Sports and more.
He has always found himself in quirky entrepreneurial endeavors. Sam likes to read, eat delicious food, exercise, and build the Goodwipes brand.
He is an award-winning ceramist, High School Class Clown, and Karate Black Belt. While those accolades stem from hobbies over 10 years ago, he promises to revisit those talents in the next decade so they can remain in his bios!
Here are a few key secrets we talked about in this episode:
- Michelle introduces Sam Nebel.
- Sam shares a quick synopsis of who he is and what he does.
- Shark Tank provided Sam his first crushing NO. He shares the full story in this interview!
- Despite thinking they were a shoe-in for a spot on Shark Tank, Sam and his partner Charlie were turned away because of a similar product that was being showcased on the show (Sam even drops the name of the brand. You MUST LISTEN to hear it!) 😉
- Sam shares his biggest takeaway from being turned down by Shark Tank.
- “You really have to find mental fortitude to keep pushing through and be prepared for any and all scenarios.” ~ Sam Nebel
- When Goodwipes really wanted to get onto the shelves of Kroger, they redid their branding and were just waiting for the stars to align. After much waiting, they heard back from their broker representative that Kroger was not going to bring them in. Listen to this episode for Sam’s FULL story!
- Sam admits to The Pitch Queen that he and his partner did not follow-up with Kroeger like they were supposed to, which might have led to them not getting a spot on the shelf. Huge lesson learned here, Royal Family! Learn from Sam. 🙂
- Hearing the NO’s may never stop sucking, but Sam shares how he and his partner started moving past them in a much quicker way.
- A week before I interviewed Sam, he had received his most accomplished NO from Walmart regarding the products that were in 640 of their stores.
- Even though Walmart may be dropping some of Goodwipes’ skus, Sam is feeling confident towards a new retailer that they may be working with.
- Sam talks about getting wild and crazy with their marketing and has even considered dressing up like a woman to hand out his women’s hygiene wipes.
- If Sam and his company are able to expand that will signal to other retailers the success they’re having and will hopefully bring in more business.
- Hearing NO propels Sam to work harder and to figure out how he can get the YES he needs.
- Sam shares some really amazing advice about what he would tell his younger self.
Connect with Sam Nebel:
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P.S. Get good at living with the maybes of being an entrepreneur! Click here to read THIS BLOG POST about how to do just that!